Sunday, February 3, 2013

kiddo breaks, makes, and loves

it has come to my attention that i seem to have a partial, if not passionate obsession with drawing and painting on every surface (including my own skin), and breaking everything that is capable of being shattered.
my theory is that my parents were so restricting of my creativity, that now, to this day, i cannot help but be insane, and destroy to create.
i love applying my soul to everything..
gazing at what i have contributed to a surface feeds me.
and i love singing while doing it..
music and art are the two things that make this world fantastic for an ET cyborg girl named Kiddo.

my only wish is to have someone to do this with, peering into their eyes that lead to their soul, smiling (exposing all teeth), and dancing like a superhero...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

kiddo and teeth, no orthodontic work at all

i believe that if pixie dust were sprinkled upon me, i would defy gravity more than an astronaut ever could.
peter pan and his lost boys have nothing on this soaring kiddobot.
a human creature man makes me happy.
and my wings grow, and i rocket everywhere because of him.
toothy grin, eyes widened, and paint dripping from my fingers.
my hat is crooked, but i like it that way, while my black cat grins at me so lovingly.
she knows i am happy.

Friday, February 1, 2013

how people see kiddo

two things said to me recently that touched my heart, and made me happy.

(1) "you may not realize it, jen, but you lead an exciting life."
said to me a couple days ago..
this was an epiphany for me to hear this. my eyes lit up and my soul glowed brightly.

(2) "there is really no one else like you, kiddo"
this made my day today.

remembered one more thing..
one from a month or so ago..
(3) "people try to be something or someone. but, you don't. you just are you..without even trying."