Friday, November 6, 2015

South Taurids

Painter sweat pants, boots, flannel, snow jacket, and trooper hat- my gear for viewing the South Taurids meteor shower. As soon as I step outside, the very second I look upward, a meteor already greets me, shooting across the dark terrain above. Well, good evening there, #1. Perfectly enough, Explosions in The Sky makes melodies and rhythms in my ears, while I search for more traveling stars. Now, mind you, this is no Perseids shower, but I am in hopes of catching my fireball tonight. To my satisfaction, lo and behold, she is #6. Bold and beautiful, #6 glides a bit more slowly than the others, and much more brightly- she is my fireball. Gasping like a child in awe, my thoughts hone in on what my heart desires. The wish I make attaches itself to her, and she disappears into the night, with a promise it will come true. #7 makes me wait a long time for her, like the love you have been waiting for your whole life. She zips by, whispering good night, as I stand up to retreat to my warm headquarters. Thank you, South Taurids.
And good night, to the raccoon who scared the living bejeezus out of me.

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