Monday, November 26, 2012


creeped through the screeching, metal door, to the outside.
the skies so blue today, and the fluttering birds harmonious in sound.
i step lightly and with rhythm, to the beat of my battered heart.
there are various lights and sounds, some intense.
my eyes and ears embracing it all.
familiar, smiling faces greet me, and i give my usual teethy grin.
hugs bestowed, stories exchanged.
yet, in the back of my mind, tucked away, you're there.
and i wish you were in front of me, being the one i was clasping tightly.
for a moment, my expression appears lost, and i am questioned for my glassy daze..
jolted, i shrug, and say it's nothing.
just wondering if we thought of each other at the same time today.

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