Sunday, November 11, 2012

my superpowers are fading here

on my home planet, i was a painter by day, and a super-hero by night.

since i came to earth, being a super-hero is more difficult than ever before.
earthlings do not want to be saved. they have too much pride.

also, my vision is so impaired on this planet. without prescriptive lenses, i cannot focus on objects here.
(positive note: lights in the dark appear as fireworks and snowflakes)..

at any rate, i reach out to these creatures here on earth, and they fear my earnest attempts to save them, as they retract their plea.

..i am puzzled, and retreat myself, heart-broken because i failed to rescue their hearts.

and while all this is going on, during my time here, i wonder.. while i am trying to save everyone, ..who the fuck is saving me?

1 comment:

  1. ugh. love this Jen. As soon as I have my blogroll going on my blog, I'll be linking yours. And it'll probably be the only non fashion one lol but I heart your art.
